chick peas Keto Friendly

Are chick peas Keto-Friendly?

Chickpeas are not considered as Keto-friendly due to their relatively high carbohydrate content. The ketogenic diet focuses on high fat, moderate protein and very low carbohydrate intake. Although chickpeas are packed with protein and nutrients, they have a significant carb count which can hinder the metabolic state of ketosis needed to achieve the goals of a ketogenic diet.

Nutritional Facts About chick peas

Chickpeas also known as garbanzo beans, are not just rich in proteins, but also contain a variety of other nutrients. They are packed with dietary fiber which aids in digestion. They are also a great source of manganese, folate and iron among other vitamins and minerals.

Calories, Carbs, Proteins and Fats

Nutrition Per 100 Grams Per 1 Oz
Calories 164 46
Carbs 27g 7.7g
Sugar 5g 1.4g
Protein 9g 2.6g
Fat 2.6g 0.7g
Impact on Ketosis High High

What is the Average Weight?

Chickpeas can vary in weight, but on average, a chickpea weighs around 0.164g.

Additional Information About chick peas

Aside from protein, fiber and carbs, chickpeas are a rich source of several vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, calcium and iron. They also contain polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats which are beneficial for heart health. Polyphenols, antioxidants present in chickpeas, play a significant role in the prevention of diseases and promotion of health.

Other Foods To Match With

Chickpeas pair well with a variety of foods. They can be added to salads, stews, and curries for an added boost of nutrition. Chickpeas combined with whole grains like brown rice, can make a complete protein dish. Additionally, they can be blended into hummus and paired with vegetables for a healthy snack. These combinations not only provide a variety of textures and flavours, but also increase the overall nutritional value of the dishes.

8 Famous Keto-Friendly Dishes To Try

1. Chickpeas on Keto: A Brief Analysis

Chickpeas are not typically included in a keto diet because they are high in carbohydrates, which can interfere with ketosis, the metabolic state that triggers fat burning in the body. One cup of chickpeas contains approximately 45 grams of carbohydrates, which is quite high for individuals following a strict keto diet that typically limits daily carb intake to 20-50 grams.

However, many low-carb and keto-friendly alternatives to chickpeas are available for those who want to incorporate the flavors and nutritional benefits of this legume into their diets. Here are some popular recipes adjusted for a keto diet:

2. Keto Hummus with Cauliflower

Typically, hummus is made with chickpeas, but this keto-friendly recipe swaps chickpeas for cauliflower which is significantly lower in carbohydrates. This keto hummus has all the creaminess and flavor of traditional hummus, thanks to the addition of tahini, garlic, and olive oil.

3. Keto Falafel with Almonds and Sesame Seeds

Falafel traditionally made from chickpeas can be high in carbs, but this keto-friendly version uses ground almonds and sesame seeds instead. These ingredients create a satisfying crunch and delicious flavor profile, making this a great low-carb alternative.

4. Roasted Radishes ‘Chickpeas’

Roasted radishes can mimic the texture and taste of roasted chickpeas, providing a useful alternative for salads or snacks in a low-carbohydrate diet. Seasoning with olive oil, salt, and your preferred spices makes this a tasty keto dish.

5. Keto ‘Chickpea’ Curry with Tofu

This keto-friendly curry replaces chickpeas with tofu, able to absorb all the flavors of the curry spices while maintaining a low-carb profile. Coconut milk and onions add depth and richness to this satisfying dish.

6. Avocado and Pecan ‘Chickpea’ Salad

This salad uses pecans instead of chickpeas, teamed with creamy avocado and a tangy dressing, providing a crunchy texture and filling protein and healthy fats, perfect for a keto-friendly lunch.

7. Keto ‘Chickpea’ Soup with Celery Root

Celery root is a great substitute for chickpeas in soup recipes. It provides a similar texture, and when seasoned well, you will barely miss the chickpeas while keeping your carb count down.

8. ‘Channa Masala’ with Paneer

The traditional channa masala is a hearty chickpea dish. This low-carb version uses paneer, a firm Indian cheese, instead of chickpeas. Combined with the standard masala spices, this dish offers a satisfying keto-friendly meal with Indian flavors.

1. Are chick peas considered keto friendly?

Unfortunately, chickpeas are not typically considered to be keto friendly. The Keto diet emphasizes low carb, moderate protein and high fat intake, and chickpeas have a high carbohydrate content, which can make it more difficult to stay within the carb limit. For instance, a single cup of canned, drained chickpeas contains about 35 grams of net carbs, which is more than many people’s entire carb allotment for the day on a keto diet.

2. Can I include chick peas in my diet while doing keto?

It really depends on your own personal carb limit for the day. If you’re following a stricter version of the keto diet that only allows for around 20 grams of carbs per day, then it may be quite challenging to fit chickpeas into your diet in any substantial quantity. However, if you’re following a more flexible version of the diet that allows for 50 grams of carbs per day or more, then you may be able to include small amounts of chickpeas as part of your daily diet without going over your carb limit.

3. What nutritional values do chick peas have?

Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are very nutritious. They are packed with fiber, protein, and various vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin B6, folate, iron, and magnesium. They are also rich in plant-based protein and have been associated with a variety of health benefits, including improving digestion, aiding weight management and reducing the risk of several diseases.

4. Are there any keto recipes that include chick peas?

While most traditional recipes with chickpeas would not fit the keto mold due to their high carb content, there are some creative ways to include small amounts of chickpeas in a keto-friendly way. For example, roasting a small number of chickpeas and using them as a garnish on a salad could be an option. However, because of their high carb count, they remain more an exception rather than a staple for the keto diet.

5. Can chick pea flour be a part of keto diet?

Just as with whole chickpeas, chickpea flour is quite high in carbohydrates and is generally not considered to be keto-friendly for that reason. A single quarter-cup serving of chickpea flour contains about 21 grams of carbs, which is a substantial amount if you’re trying to keep your daily carb intake low. For this reason, almond flour or coconut flour are often recommended as more keto-friendly alternatives.

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