purple onions Keto Friendly

Are purple onions Keto-Friendly?

Yes, purple onions are keto-friendly. While they do contain some carbohydrates, the amount is quite small when consumed in moderation. Therefore, they can be included in a ketogenic diet as they are unlikely to knock you out of ketosis.

Nutritional Facts About purple onions

Purple onions, also known as red onions, are packed with multiple nutrients that are beneficial to our health. They are rich in dietary fiber, Vitamin C, folate, Vitamin B6, and provide essential minerals like potassium and manganese.

Calories, Carbs, Proteins and Fats

Nutrition Per 100 Grams Per 1 Oz
Calories 40 11
Carbs 9.34g 2.65g
Sugar 4.24g 1.20g
Protein 1.1g 0.31g
Fat 0.1g 0.03g
Impact on Ketosis Low Low

What is the Average Weight?

The average weight of a medium purple onion is about 150 grams or approximately 5.3 ounces.

Additional Information About purple onions

Purple onions contain several essential nutrients in addition to those listed above. They are a good source of antioxidants such as anthocyanins and quercetin, which are known for their anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-viral benefits. They also contain small amounts of calcium, iron, and phosphorus.

Other Foods To Match With

Purple onions are very versatile and can be matched with a variety of foods. They can be added to salads for extra crunch and color, used in cooking to enhance the flavor of dishes, or even pickled for a tangy condiment. Because of their slightly sweet flavor, they perfectly complement dishes with strong flavors such as grilled meats, heavily spiced foods and rich sauces.

8 Famous Keto-Friendly Dishes To Try

1. Keto-friendly Guacamole with Purple Onion

The classic guacamole is a perfect keto dish which incorporates the vibrant purple onions. Despite containing a small amount of carbs, purple onions in moderation won’t kick you off ketosis. This recipe also includes avocados, tomatoes, cilantro, and lime, which are all low in carbs and high in healthy fats and fibre.

2. Keto Beef Stir-Fry with Purple Onion

This delicious stir-fry features thin slices of beef, bell peppers and a generous amount of purple onions. Unlike white onions, purple onions have slightly fewer carbs making them a preferable choice for keto diet. This dish is packed with protein and fiber, satisfying your hunger without loading up on carbs.

3. Keto Bunless Purple Onion Burger

A bunless burger recipe featuring savoury beef patties, avocado, lettuce and of course, purple onions. Purple onions are keto-friendly in small quantities and their tangy, slightly sweet flavour complements the juicy beef perfectly. This dish makes for a complete low-carb, high-protein keto meal.

4. Keto Bacon-Wrapped Jalapenos Stuffed with Purple Onion

These keto bacon-wrapped jalapenos involve purple onions as one of their filling ingredients, together with cream cheese. The purple onions add a crunchy texture and Q tang to the smooth and spicy jalapenos, while bacon offers the needed protein and fats, maintaining a balanced keto diet.

5. Keto Greek Salad with Purple Onion

Classic Greek salad with a large slice of feta cheese on top, sprinkled with chunks of purple onion. A Mediterranean diet staple, it also includes olives, cucumbers and tomatoes. The purple onions add a crunchy texture and hints of sweetness, making it an all-around keto-friendly salad.

6. Keto Tuna Salad with Purple Onion

A simple and quick tuna salad recipe where purple onions add a much-needed punch. High in protein thanks to the tuna, and low in carbs due to the cucumber, lettuce, and purple onions, this recipe is fit for any keto diet meal.

7. Keto Cauliflower Rice with Purple Onion

This recipe uses cauliflower rice as a low-carb alternative to traditional rice, sautéed with purple onions, bell peppers, and a variety of spices for a tasty, keto-friendly meal. Purple onions add flavour without adding too many carbs.

8. Keto Tomato and Purple Onion Salad

A very simple but delicious tomato and purple onion salad, tossed with fresh basil and drizzled with olive oil. It’s the perfect side dish to accompany any main course. The purple onions contribute with their unique flavour, adding a very distinct taste to the salad. No other vegetable could substitute them here!

Frequently Asked Questions about Purple Onions and Keto

1. Are purple onions acceptable on a keto diet?

Yes, purple onions are generally keto friendly. Like all vegetables, they do contain some amount of carbohydrates, but in moderation, they can definitely be included in a ketogenic diet plan. While following a ketogenic diet, it is essential to watch the carb count, and adding purple onions can contribute a minimal amount of carbs.

2. What is the carbohydrate content in purple onions?

The carbohydrate content in purple onions varies based on their size. A medium-sized purple onion contains roughly 10 grams of carbohydrates, of which 2 grams are dietary fiber. This means the net carbohydrate content is about 8 grams. Therefore, while consuming purple onions on a keto diet, portion control is key.

3. What are some ways to incorporate purple onions into a keto diet?

Purple onions can be used in numerous ways in the keto diet. They can be diced and used in salads, sautéed and added to stir fry vegetables, or grilled as a side with meats. Their vibrant color can add visual appeal to dishes and they provide not only flavor but several health benefits too.

4. What are the health benefits of eating purple onions?

Purple onions are packed with beneficial compounds and nutrients like vitamin C, dietary fiber, and flavonoids that have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. They are known to support cardiovascular health, stabilize blood sugar levels, and enhance immune function. These benefits make them a favorable contribution to a keto diet.

5. Can consuming too many purple onions kick me out of ketosis?

It is possible if you consume a large number of purple onions at once. This is because a ketogenic diet typically limits daily carbohydrate intake to around 20-50 grams. Consuming a large volume of any carb-containing food, including purple onions, could potentially tip your daily carb count over that limit and disrupt ketosis. Therefore, it is important to consume purple onions in moderation.

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